Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Ordnance Survey & Griffith's Valuation

Many thanks to Paul McCallion for pointing me to the Ordnance Survey of Ireland, which was completed about 1844. While Griffith was tasked with BOTH the OSI and the Valuation, they were completed at different times, so we have an odd snapshot of history between them.

The OSI was started 1830s, and completed 1844.

The Valuation was completed between 1853 and 1858, depending on the county.

In between, we have the Great Famine.

For example, this is the OSI for Derreentighe and Creggameen. Michael Grady's land is small circle dead center (though it likely was not Grady land at the time). The larger circles to the right are clusters of homes that existed in 1840s

Below is Griffiths, 1857/1858:

The plot Valuation is overlaid on the original OSI, but you can see the clusters of houses are now gone and replaced with single plots (with single family occupants). The first cluster of houses is now plots 20b and 17b in the center, and to the right plots 29a and 27b is the second cluster.

This was due to the famine, and the associated clearances (evictions).

Note that the landlord here is Wm. R.W. Sanford, part of the Sanford/Wills family:

They are also related to the Pakenham family and the famous (infamous) Strokestown estate. That estate is now home to the National Famine Museum:

Saturday, July 1, 2023

interesting! 1901 UK census

1901 UK census for Rotherham: 

Address would be 32 Millgate:

Listed are Tom Grady, Martin Grady, Harry Grady. Ages are wrong but I think the 'N.K.' means they were NOT present at the time the census was taken.

In the case of 'N.K.', the census taker was supposed to return to complete the info. Or, in this case, another person (different hand writing) crosses out the N.K. and perhaps puts guesses in for the ages. 

Note that gr-grandfather Thomas, grandfather Martin, and his brother Harry are NOT present in Ireland for the 1901 census (but John was). 

Also note that the 'head of household' is Jeremiah Kenny, also of Ireland. Need to research any connection to Kennys who lived nearby in Roscommon.

Is this them?