photo album

Central place for all photos ... maybe!

Links to photo pages:

Brother Martin's collections on google; these may not be accessible without an invite, so I may need to move these to the blog:

Martin's Album #1

Martin's Album #2

Martin's Album #3

O'Grady-McCallion photos

more O'Grady-McCallion

Derreentighe house

Grady pics

Finola's pics

From Joanne: on left, Uncle Frank, Aunt Minnie, Arline as a baby. On right, Arline with Henry and Josephine on their wedding day:

Standing l to r:  Henry, Frank, Katherine, John
Seated: Catherine, Martin

1 comment:

  1. I’m pretty sure that’s picture on top left is John and Minnie with their new baby, Arlene.
