Monday, August 30, 2021

Henry Grady Foxboro family

Sean McNeill had mentioned that he found that part of Henry Grady's family (from Foxboro -- this is great grandfather Thomas's brother) had emigrated to Massachusetts.

Son Patrick, born 1864, emigrates 1884, naturalization 1888:

brothers William and Michael as witnesses.

This looks like daughter Sarah, married to John Roche in Lowell, MA in 1913:

The great escape to the US does not work out for many, as Sarah dies of "labor pneumonia" in 1915:

more to come ...

obituaries, other clips

Martin O'Grady obituary, March 25, 1971, Yonkers Herald Statesman:


Frank & Betty, 50th wedding anniversary, Palm Harbor 2002:

Thursday, August 26, 2021

mystery photo solved

 OK, Mary Regan was married to Patrick Mullins. On, here's a pic posted of Patrick:

And here's the mystery photo:

Looks like the same guy!

Here's a pic from of Mary, Patrick, and their son John:

And the other mystery pic:

mystery solved! (?)

Mary Regan

Martin O'Grady marries Catherine Regan, who has a sister Mary who also emigrates to the US. We know she married, had a child, and dies young. The child lives with Martin and Catherine for a while, until her husband re-marries. 

Again, is a great source (and free!):

Patrick and Mary have a son, John, born 1919.

Mary dies 1922.

From, pic of Patrick with his son John:

Son John dies 2006 in Somerset NJ. He is buried in Our Lady of the Isle Cemetery in Dering Harbor, NY:

His wife Gertrude and his son Thomas are buried there as well:

Gertrude Mullins Obituary, 2006:

So, Mary has other surviving grandchildren.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Helen O'Grady, daughter of Martin and Catherine

John found 'hgs205' posted updates about the gravesites for Joseph and Anna McCallion. When I contacted that user, they recommended, where I finally found the record for Helen:

Monday, August 23, 2021

Grady pics

Geraldine, Charles Clancy Senior(? or is it John Regan?), Josephine, Kitty, Nelly; is boy in front a Sherwood grandson?

 Geraldine, Nelly, and Kitty:

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

O'Grady-McCallion family pics

Pics from Joanne (thanks!)


Where would this be? From Martin: likely Florida as this is where they went on their honeymoon.

Henry, Josephine, and Aunt Katherine:

Up front: Betty, Frank, Josephine, Henry. Grandma Catherine to far right:

Early days ... and a very tolerant cat!

Up to 4 now ...

Same day as above

Up to 6 ... !

December 1957, with Grandpa Martin:


September 1962:


Singing at The Continental in Galway:

Fireside at The Continental:

Henry, back working in Yonkers, 1975 or so.

Ocean Beach, NJ:

The two Henrys at 120:

At Rudys for Thanksgiving, late 1970s? (thanks Joanne):

Another mystery photo:

Monday, August 16, 2021

John O'Grady & Minnie Masseo

 John's obituary, The Herald Statesman (Yonkers, NY), Dec 15, 1988:

Their daughter Joan died in 2002:

1940 census, 99 Lockwood Ave, Yonkers. Lockwood intersects with Rossiter Ave:

Wednesday, August 4, 2021


Our working theory (thanks Sean McNeil) is that Michael Grady's wife Mary Ganly was from neighboring Creggameen (this would be great-great-grandparents).

This is "Widow Ganly" from Griffiths Evaluation in 1857 in Creggameen:

Her plot is #21 in Creggameen. Michael's is number 6 in Derreenteige (the Gradys move to the area of plot #2 later on), both in lower right center:

So, the plots nearly border each other. She likely would have a hard time farming 14 acres on her own, and Michael only has 3!

Widow Mary Ganly dies 1873, age 80:

So is the Mary Ganly that Michael marries her daughter, dies 1897 (herself a widow, as Michael dies young?)