Wednesday, August 4, 2021


Our working theory (thanks Sean McNeil) is that Michael Grady's wife Mary Ganly was from neighboring Creggameen (this would be great-great-grandparents).

This is "Widow Ganly" from Griffiths Evaluation in 1857 in Creggameen:

Her plot is #21 in Creggameen. Michael's is number 6 in Derreenteige (the Gradys move to the area of plot #2 later on), both in lower right center:

So, the plots nearly border each other. She likely would have a hard time farming 14 acres on her own, and Michael only has 3!

Widow Mary Ganly dies 1873, age 80:

So is the Mary Ganly that Michael marries her daughter, dies 1897 (herself a widow, as Michael dies young?)

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