Sunday, February 18, 2024

John Regan, 1851 Census

Most census records for Ireland prior to 1901 were destroyed in a fire during the Civil War, 1920s. (The scheduled 1921 census did not occur until 1926 because of this). Worse, some of them were just destroyed because they were deemed not needed. See:

This isn't the straight census record! It is evidence that a search was made against the record when it still existed! See:

To search:

Here we find John Regan, of Cashelcolaun in the 1851 extract. So some time after 1908, John applied for a pension and to prove his age he referred to his parents who had been part of the 1851 census. This form was used to track whether that was true (should have been rejected if NOT true).

Note the address at the top is for the landowner, the bottom address where John lived.

There are 4 Martin Regans (!) in Cashelcolaun in 1851 according to Griffiths, but only one John! But Griffith's only lists leaseholders, so there could have been other Johns.

If this is the right John, Martin and Honoria would be Grandma Katherine Regan's gr-grandparents.

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Patrick Dempsey 1856-1883

Gr-grandmother Mariah's brother Patrick married Mary Waldron in 1879, and we knew *something* happened to him, as she later re-marries, to HIS cousin William in 1887:

Still not sure *what* happened to Patrick, as I still haven't been able to find any record of his death.

But, his will is settled after he dies in 1883:

As the oldest son, Patrick had the land that his father Bernard leased before he died in 1871. 

Friday, January 26, 2024

Palmfield and Gallaghers

Katherine Regan O'Grady was from Cashelcolaun, Co Mayo (now Roscommon). Her mother Ellen Gallagher was from 'Palmfield' according to their marriage record. Her father was Michael.

But, there is no townland of Palmfield. There is a 'village' of Palmfield in the nearby townland of Gortanure, however.

Griffiths, 1860s:

So Michael has plots 31, 32, & 33, with a house on plot 32 (Interesting that there's a Thomas Grady in neighboring plot 29).

Gortanure is just down the road from Cashecolaun, and Michael's house would have been off the same local road.

It looks like there are still old farm buildings on the land where the Gallagher house would have been (why does that give me the urge to go visit? )

Michael Gallagher would have been Grandma Katherine Regan O'Grady's grandfather. Oddly enough, it looks like Michael's wife was a Kate Regan! Trying to locate the records for that ...

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Cashelcolaun and Regans

Grandma Regan was from Cashelcolaun. Her father was John Regan, who's father was also John. I didn't connect that of course he would be on Griffith's from 1860s (note, to find Cashelcolaun in Griffiths, need to search for it in county Mayo since this was Mayo before 1890s):

So his is plot #3b.

Unfortunately plot #3 is not broken by sub-plots, so we don't know where 3b is. But, all the houses are along the local road in the center. This is likely where Kath met Andy O'Connor and found the Regan plot?
Cashelcolaun is reachable by the N5, which cuts across the top of the townland. L1244 is the local road to the upper right.

Need to turn off the L1244 into the neighboring townland of Pollboy to reach Cashelcolaun.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Derreentighe pics

 From John's collection. We think this is a pic from Uncle Steve's trip in 1970s:

"View from Mom O'Grady's front door of their cottage at Ballahadareen"

Note: this is NOT Ballaghaderreen !


Tuesday, January 9, 2024

some pics

 from John's collection:

May have a better copy of this pic somewhere. Anna Dempsey Nash and Charles Clancy.
Need to research her grandkids, the children of her son Jerome. Annie's father Martin Dempsey and Martin O'Grady's mother (also Charlie's grandmother) Mariah Dempsey O'Grady were siblings. Martin Dempsey is buried in the Dempsey plot at Holy Cross cemetery in Brooklyn.