Saturday, January 30, 2021


 When I was young  my mother, Mary Grady, often spoke about her aunts who had emmigrated to America.   She told me how they often sent parcels to her when she was a young girl living at the homeplace in Derrentighne.   

It would be a great day that she would walk into Castlerea post office and pick up the parcels.  These parcels would contain jumpers, coats, dresses etc.  One particular dress my mother kept.

I remember this dress hanging in her wardrobe and as a child I thought this was the most beautiful dress I had ever seen, like something out of Hollywood.   I love the old black and white movies!

Many an evening my mother and I would sit and talk about her life in Ireland and the dances etc.  I would ask her what they wore and how they would dance and the music and she would tell me about the laughs they would have on the way home from the dance.

Years later, after my mother had her first stroke we sat talking as we had so often in the past.  We talked about Ireland, the dances and the clothes that came from America   with this I ran upstairs to see the dress.  By now the dress looked very sad, little snags  here  and there  the silk lining was all damaged, such a shame but I tried it on anyway and it fitted like a glove! 

Despite its sad state the layers fell beautifully.   I went downstairs and walked in the room and my mothers face lit up.  I moved around the room dancing and swirling the dress moved so elegantly with me.  My mother streched out her hand to touch the dress and said '  I danced in the that dress'   I could see  in that moment she was taken back to a time that seemed so long gone....I will never forget that nite.

After my mother passed away I decided to take the dress and try and save it.  Whilst working on the dress I discovered from the make of the zip the dress was American so it confirmed to me that either Kitty or Mary Ellen (Nelly) had sent this to my mother. 

I thought I would never know which one of them?   Then I met Geraldine Clancy Drohan, Mary Ellens   (Nelly)  daughter and the first thing I noticed was how tall and slim she was, just like my mother,  also a few years older and Geraldine had no sisters,  so I guess my mother got a few 'hand me downs' from Geraldine over the years.  

The dress is repaired as best I can it was tricky being old and fragile.

The dress I adored  as a child now hangs in my wardrobe. I put the dress on every now and then and swirl around as my mother did before me.

The dress comes to life and my mothers memories with it..........Magic☄

Mary Ellen and Kitty Grady

Geraldine Clancy Drohan

Tommy Grady and Mary, my mother.

THE  DRESS  and me 


Sunday, January 24, 2021

Derreentighe house

Photos of Derreentighe house by Katherine O'Grady Reilly:


Katherine O'Grady Reilly  (Martin O'Grady's granddaughter) at Derreentighe house:

Martina(?) Thomas O'Grady's granddaughter:

Saturday, January 23, 2021

G1: Thomas Dempsy (Bernard's brother; Mariah's uncle)

See Bernard Dempsy blog entry for 1857 Griffith's Valuation entry for brother Thomas and Bernard Dempsy. 

Census, 1901:

Thomas has died by 1911 census. His son Thomas is now head of family:

Daughter Margaret, born 1865:

Margaret eventually moves to the US, and takes in her sister Sarah's orphaned children, Thomas and Sarah.

Thomas's daughter Maria's marriage, Jan 28th, 1875: (this is NOT the Mariah Dempsy that marries Thomas Grady!)

Thomas dies, Dec 10th, 1902, age 80:

Thomas's son Patrick's marriage to Celia Kilcourse January 3rd, 1877 (this is his son, not his grandson in the 1911 census above). Celia signed as Mary? Correction shows that too?

Patrick Dempsey and Sarah Kilcourse of Keyfield (her hometown) have a son Thomas Nov 4, 1884. We see Celia & Sarah names used interchangeably.

Their first son, Michael, born 1877:

Son Patrick 1881:

Their son Thomas born Nov 4, 1884:

However, he does not survive, dying Dec 13, 1885:

Daughter Mary, 1886:

Friday, January 22, 2021

G0: Michael Grady (Thomas Grady's father)

 Some of this from the Thomas Grady and Mariah Dempsy blog:

Michael is mentioned as Thomas's father on their marriage cert:

Note it says "Deceased" between names in "Father's Name" column: not sure if that applies to Michael Grady or Bernard Dempsy.

Michael is also in Griffith's Valuation for Derreentighe from 1857:

Michael has 3 acres of land, and pays 1 pound, 5 shillings for it, and 5 shillings for the house.

Sir A Crichton owns all Derreentighe, and everyone but Michael rents from him. Michael is in sub lease from Peter Cummins. There are two big disadvantages to this: 1) in famine years, sub-leases were the first to get evicted 2) the rents are much higher.

Where Peter Cummins and others pay 2 shillings/2pence per acre in their split of parcel #5, Michael on his sub-lease is paying 6 shillings per acre. (Dempsys in neighboring Cloonreliagh are paying 4 shillings/7 pence per acre).

This site lets you vary the map with the overlay of modern satellite:,33&mysession=2742524867122&info=&place=&county=ROSCOMMON&placename=DERREENTEIGE&parish=KILTULLAGH&country=Ireland&union=&barony=CASTLEREAGH

Michael's is 6a, in the upper right ... does that correspond to current site? East of R361?

What happens to Michael?

Great source:

Thursday, January 21, 2021

William Dempsy and Mary Griffin research

 Is this them?

Possibly not, if this is them:

Note: gotta love the age listed: "Full" ... I'm going to start using that!

Jan 25, 1917 William (corrected from Thomas) Dempsy and Mary Griffin. He is from Cloonalough.
But, father is Thomas!  (Mariah's father is Bernard)

Possible: two Williams. The one above is Thomas's son. The one below ... Bernard's grandson? This would explain the age gap with John Lyons?

This is their daughter, born 1918:

Is this the same William Dempsy and Mary Griffin, now living in Cloonreliagh?

William Dempsy and Mary Kate:

No image, Mary Kate marries Patrick Lyons:

No record found yet, but it is possible these are the parents of John Lyons, died 2020.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

G0: Bernard Dempsy and Catherine Jenings (Mariah Dempsy's parents)


Added G0 notation above. First generation I think we'll be able to find, so G0.

Started with John's notes on Dempsey's:

From Mariah's marriage cert, we know her father was Bernard Dempsy of Cloonreliagh, and at Mariah's son John's birth, Catherine Dempsy of Cloonreliagh is "present at birth."

Bernard Dempsy and his brother Thomas both appear in Griffith's Valuation (1857):

Note: all of Cloonreliagh is 226 acres (and 3 rods and 16 perches), all owned by Sir Alexander Crichton (He owns all of Derreentighe too).  More on him here: Crichton

Bernard and Thomas each pay 3 pounds, 10 shillings for land. Griffiths doesn't split the acreage amount, but 91 acres is split between the 5 folks listed for parcel #3, presumably acreage split by amount paid (Daniel and William Moran would have more land since they pay 5pound/15s).
Note 2: they both pay 10s for their homes.
Note 3: if the acreage is split by rent paid, T&B both have about 15 acres, and pay 4 shillings/7 pence per acre.  Compare that to Michael Grady in Derreentighe, who is sub-leasing and paying much more.

Just realized you can see this on the map:,26&mysession=2742383321994&info=&place=&county=ROSCOMMON&placename=CLOONRELIAGH&parish=KILTULLAGH&country=Ireland&union=&barony=CASTLEREAGH

Thomas's is 3b, Bernard's is 3a (not identified?)

Marriage registered April 23rd 1853 (thanks Finola):

"April 23. Bernard Dymsey & Kate Jennings. pres, Thos Dymsey & ??? Jennings"

Children born to Bernard and Catherine Jenings Dempsy of Cloonreliagh:

1. William - born? It seems likely William is the oldest as he stays in Cloonreliagh after  Bernard dies and Catherine emigrates.  We now know that this William is a nephew, Thomas's son. He marries Patrick's widow.

2. Mary / Mariah Dempsy, born 1854 (too early for civil birth registration records!). 

July 23d, 1854. "Maria of Bern.d Dymsey & Kate Jennings. Sps ??? Flynn & Pat Jennings. C.reliagh"

Marries Thomas Grady Oct 23, 1876.

3. Patrick Dempsy - born 1856.  Baptism record below:

March 1, 1856. "Pat of Bernd Dymsey and Kate Jennings. Sps Thomas Jennings".
Quite a variation of last name spelling!

Age 22 when marries Mary Waldron March 11 1879. Does Patrick move to her hometown after marriage? Need to research.

NEW: Bernard Dempsey, baptism April 27, 1862:

4. Anne Dempsy born April 30th 1864: (what happened to her?)

2/2/21 update: I missed the obvious here. Present at birth is Bridget Jenings ... perhaps Catherine's mother? If so, we've gone back another generation!

5. John Dempsy born June 19, 1865:

6. Michael Dempsy, born Sept 3, 1867:

7. Martin Dempsy born Oct 24, 1868:

Catherine's baptism cert (thanks Finola), shows some interesting facts:
"Cloonreliagh.  11th (Nov 1870). Catherine of Bernard Dempsy & Cather Jennings. Sps (sponsors) Thomas & Mary Dempsey".  This is Bernard's brother Thomas.

At some point, Catherine marries Costello (in Ireland?). She travels to US Sept 12, 1907 age 40 (she's actually 37!).

Closest relative is "Sister ? Grady. Derreentigh, Castlerea" ... so this means Mariah.

First column below asks "Whether before in US".
Answer is "21"? and "New York".
Address in US states: "Going home. "5 Dock St ??? New York"

So, Catherine has been to the US before. Also, we know 5 Dock St from Nellie's entry.

So her son David follows her In May 1908 with Nellie. On entry, he is listed as American ... was his father American?
Was Catherine married in US and is returning 'home'?


Is this the reason Catherine (mother), moves to US? Bernard dies in May 6(?), 1871:

^^^ is this accurate? If so, how does John Lyons fit into the picture? William may be older son? No birth records before 1864 or so

Notes from Arline O'Grady Curie, John (son of Martin O'Grady/Catherine Regan) O'Grady's daughter. The written remarks are the result of her interview with Geraldine Clancy Drohan, daughter of MaryEllen (Nellie) O'Grady Clancy (thanks to Joanne for the correction):