Monday, January 11, 2021

G1: Thomas Grady and Mariah Dempsy documents (WIP!)

 Marriage certificate, Oct 23, 1876:

Mariah's father is Bernard Dempsey. The 1901 census for Thomas is Bernard's brother.

Under "Father's Name" is listed "Michael Grady" --  "Deceased". This is likely the Michael Grady listed in the Griffith's Evaluation. Does this apply only to Michael? Bernard is already deceased as well.

This is the Griffith's valuation from 1847-1864, which was the only surviving country-wide survey before 1901 (but you had to own or lease land). There's a link for 'Occupants" and from there you find the entry for Michael Grady:


Griffith's Valuation for Derreentighe was in 1857.

Thomas and Mariah's children:

1. John born July 12, 1877. Died July 4, 1903 in UK. He is the key factor in the ‘John of Derreentighe’ on the gravestone. Listed as age 21 on the 1901 census (actual age 23/24)

Image from: 

Note: 8th column to the right, "Reporter", lists "Catherine Dempsy. Present at Birth. Cloonreliagh" ... is this Mariah's mother?

John, baptism (from Finola):

Reads: "June 27th Cloonreliagh. John of Thomas Grady & Mary Dempsy. 
Sponsors Patrick Grady Bridget Casey" (sp?)

Some mixup in dates, since John was born July 12th!
Some possible insight into how John could have been born July 12, but baptized June 27th:
Patrick was Thomas' s brother!
From Finola: "Now I remember my mother often spoke about Pat Grady her great uncle.  He was a cheerful chap always around at the Grady's playing cards.  He is buried in front of Gradys plot at Moore.  He had no children only himself and his wife Katherine.   So this Bridget is not his wife."

More from Finola: "Pat Grady lived in Castlefield,   again another village around same area.  They were all near each other.    His house still stands.   Originally it was one of the old cottages but Pat was not badly off as they had no children so he improved the house.  It had two floors which for that time was quite something.

His relative,  maybe his great nepwew?  tenders the cemetery up at Moore.  Colum and I have met him a few times he knows a lot about this.  We got some info from him as well.  He lives local his name is Flynn.  Flynn and Grady is another branch of our family.  John Lyons knows about this too."

2. Patrick, born June 12, 1879 -- what happened to him?

Note: we know Thomas' wife was Mary, but used Mariah. But, the above lists the mother of the child as Mary, but reporter for the birth as Maria ... different women?

3. Henry / Harry -- no birth records. On 1911 census, age listed is 31 (would be born 1880?)

His marriage certificate (second marriage):

4. Martin born Feb 1, 1884. Alternate spelling for townland (Derryeen) meant we couldn’t find his home townland until we found John:

Here, mother and reporter are the same, Maria Grady.
Note also this is the first spelling of Dempsey with the second 'e'.

Married at age 26 in NY 1910 to Katherine Regan (her parents John Regan and Ellen Gallagher)

5. Kate (Katie/Kitty) born Jan 5, 1885: (gravestone in Yonkers says 1888!) married name Irving. Another alternate spelling for townland: Derryentighe.

"Reporter" here is "Catherine Grady" ... who is that?
Note (from John): "The name conflicts with Geraldine's notes that says the mother was named Catherine Dempsey ( 1831-1896 )."

Note:  someone circled the 'sy' in Dempsy ... perhaps an early researcher working through the alternate spellings?

Kitty's grave in Yonkers:

Birth year is listed as 1888!

6. Mary Ellen (Nellie) -- on gravestone says born 1886 -- no birth records (yet?). Married Clancy -- children Geraldine and Father Charles.

Entry into Ellis Island (on the Baltic), May 9th, 1908, age 18 (tip from Finola’s email)

Note: Ellis Island typo has hometown as "Castleres".
If Nellie was born in 1886, she has taken some liberty with listing her age as 18 in 1908!

A better shot, including David Costello:

From John, via Geraldine: " [this] is in sync with Geraldine's notes is that David Costello that is listed with Mary Ellen....he is somehow related to the Dempsey family and it was aunt Nellie's job to bring him over. I believe he was the son of Mariah' s sister Catherine Dempsey Costello."

What is also interesting is that he is listed as American. How? Was his father American? Was he born in US and brought back to Ireland?

Her nearest relative "Mother Mary Grady. Derreentighe, Ballenlough, Roscommon":

Her contact in the US is her sister Katie, 5 Docks St, Morris Heights, New York":
John notes: " it says Docks St which is in Brooklyn and where they lived early in their lives ...after that it reads Morris Heights ...which is in the Bronx and does not make sense "

Nellie's grave in Yonkers (1886-1967):
Also listed are Father Charles 1915-1991 (far left); Charles (husband) 1881-1954; Catherine 1923-2007, Nellie, and Nick and Geraldine (far right).

Note from John by way of Geraldine: "[Geraldine] offered the following to me: aunt kitty and her husband Irving worked as a maid and gardener on the Rockefeller estate....they met there and aunt kitty pursued Irving until he agreed to marry her...

The Rockefeller estate is now a historic landmark and it is known as is in the town of sleepy hollow, ny.

So it now makes sense to me when dad said he used to caddy as a boy for the Rockefellers. 

Geraldines parents were maid and chauffeur on another estate."

7. Bridget - no birth record yet. Listed on both 1901 and 1911 census. Age 12 in 1901 census, so likely born 1889. Married Harte … still trying to find census records for Harte in Cloondacara

8. Unknown Grady:

Born May 27, 1893, died same day. 

This is likely the child frequently referred to as Michael.

9. Thomas born 28 February 1897 (no birth certificate image). Married Ann Boylan of Yonkers/Cavan(?).  Moved to Manchester. Both present on gravestone. Daughter Mary’s (married name Raftery) death in 2017 triggered connection between Finola and Kath (!). Thomas went to the US in 1924:

"Father, Thomas Grady, Dereentigh, Castlerea, Co. Roscommon"

Thomas lists his sister Nelly (already married): "Mrs Clancy, 1809 Lexington Ave ... " who paid his passage and where he is going to stay:


Thomas (great grandfather), died 1939:
Mary/Mariah (great grandmother), died 1940:

Rest in Peace!

Both are attended by Mary Grady, daughter-in-law.

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