Monday, March 29, 2021

related McCallion/McBride site

 just a note that I've started to put McCallion/McBride stuff on a separate blog:

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Michael Dempseys

Michael Dempsey, age 71, dies April 10, 1916. 
Thomas Grady, grand nephew, is "Present at Death. Derreenteighe".

This would have to be Thomas & Mariah's youngest son, Thomas (Finola's grandfather). 

Grand Uncle would imply this is Mariah's uncle ... brother to Bernard and Thomas? Likely!

His son Michael marries Kate Silk.

Their child Michael, born 1916 in Keyfield:

Michael McGovern, the puddler poet

New documentary on Michael McGovern:

Pat Grady's mother, Catherine Govern, was Michael's sister (Castlefield O'Gradys).

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

family tree

Bryan & Bridget Dempseys (great great great grandparents - Mariah's grandparents)
Note: click on the image for a larger size (and a better image)
Updated 3/25/2021

Dempsey Pic #2 -- Bernard Dempsey & Catherine Jennings (Mariah's parents)

O'Grady tree: assuming the O'Gradys in neighboring Keyfield, Castlefield and Foxboro are relatives, they are liklely sons of the same Great, Great grandfather, Michael Grady

The full O'Grady-Dempsey tree (starting with Thomas Grady and Mariah Dempsey). Some repeat of branches above, but maybe a better view? It seems the picture loses clarity when I make it this big ... need to research option on that.

JPG below (PNG above):

Saturday, March 13, 2021

new pics from Finola

 Bridget, Harry, and Martin:

Harry, front center; Geraldine, standing center:
Lower Front: Jane Hartel Harry Grady; Arleen Harte; ?
Middle: Josephine Harte (John Harte's daughter); Martina Harte; Bernadette Harte; Tom Harte
Rear: Bernard Harte; John Hartel Geraldine Clancy; Sis (John Harte's wife); Willie Harte (Sis and John's son); Maureen (Paddy Harte's wife)

Charles Clancy and Geraldine Clancy Drohan:

Raftery family, Finola's parent rear left:

Pat Raftery and Katherine O'Grady Reilly at the Dempsey house in Cloonreliagh:

Rafterys and Lyons: Josey, Nora Lyons, John Lyons, Martina and Pat:

Gravesite in Moore, cared for by Martina:

The Hartes, Bernard and Martina:
Kathy Moskwa; Peter Harte; Tom Harte; Martina Harte; ?; Angela Scanlon Harte; Willie Harte; Josephine Harte; Denise Harte (in front)

Patrick Harte:

Geraldine Clancy and Nick Drohan, wedding day:

Charles Clancy:

Thomas O'Grady with his daughter Mary (Finola's mother):

Thomas Grady, Bridget, Bernard, Kitty, Kitty’s son Josh(?) and Mary Grady Raftery:
Is this Nellie, not Kitty? and Paddy Harte next to Mary?

Mariah outside Derreentighe house, she is wearing Kitty's coat from above pic (thanks Finola for updated pics!):

Mary Grady Raftery in her garden:

Mary Grady Raftery and her daughter Pat:

Thomas Grady on park bench, with his grandsons, Pat and Colm, playing:

Martin O'Grady with his sister Bridget:

Hartes? With Katherine?
L to R: Bernadette Harte; Bridget Grady Harte; Maureen Harte; Harry Grady; Katherine; Kitty Grady Sherwood

Peter Harte and children, with Bridget:

Kitty, Bridget, Martin, Mary Ellen,  John Harte?  and his wife:

Geraldine, her mother Mary Ellen, and Martin:

Harry's house, with wife in doorway (second wife?):

L-R: Pat, John Lyons, Katherine and Martina:

Grandpa Martin and ???:

Mary Ellen/Nellie and two of her children (Charlie and ?):

Stephen Rudy and Katherine O'Grady Rudy, with two of their children:

Friday, March 5, 2021

O'Grady/McCallion pics from Joanne

 A long time ago!

Henry and Josephine, wedding day (Anna McBride McCallion to the left?)

Henry, Josephine, and  ... the baby is Donna Rudy!

A better pic of the two grandfathers (always smiling!)

Catherine Regan O'Grady, daughter Katherine:

Three of her annoying grandchildren (well, two at least):