Thursday, March 4, 2021

Derreentighe / Cloonreliagh pics

Pictures from Finola.
The cottage front door, made up by Martina for Christmas:


The Dempsey house in Cloonreliagh. This would have been were Mariah was born:

From Finola: "My mother walking in to the house, with my grandfather in the doorway":

View from doorway of Derreentighe house:

The cottage today:

Mariah's bedroom:

"The little square set into the wall one side of fire ... my mother told us that’s where they kept the money..."

"Shelf above door is where they kept their school books ..."

Door handle from cottage:

 Lamp off trap, still had oil inside:

The undercarriage of Mariah’s trap:

Noel Dempsey's house in Cloonreliagh:

Pat Grady's place in Castlefield: "My mother told us it was known as the house on top as he put one house on top of another. This is where the famous American poet was born.  Pat married into the family."  
Still need to post that article ... !

This was the Derreentighe house as it stood in 1970s, still with  gables:

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