Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Friday, September 24, 2021

Sullivan St, Brooklyn

 #138 and #139 Sullivan Street played a big part in the O'Grady & Dempsey migration to the U.S. While Martin only stays a few years, Anne Dempsey Reynolds lives there until her death in 1938.

Those two houses are gone, replaced by a bus depot, but this image of neighboring houses (#151 - 155), likely shows what the area looked like back then:

Image from google maps, driving by John! You can see the start of the bus area to the left.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Catherine Jennings Dempsey

Catherine is Mariah's mother, and her husband Bernard dies 1871. We know she comes to the U.S., and dies 1896, and is buried in Holy Cross Cemetery in Brooklyn.

Both Ellis Island immigration records and U.S. census records at that time did not gather a lot of information.

This could be her, with her remaining family in the NY State census, 1892:

No street address provided, nor any of the info we see in later census (censii?). 

Thomas ends up returning to Ireland. We know Katie (Catherine Dempsey Costello) returns briefly as well after she gets married.

John, Martin, and Katie are also buried with her at Holy Cross.

Monday, September 20, 2021

Martin Dempsey (Brooklyn Dempseys) - Mariah's brother

 Martin dies 1939 (this is Mariah's brother):

1905 NY census, 6th Ave Brooklyn:

1910 US census, 23rd Street, Brooklyn. Immigration year is 1887 for both Martin and Rose. Did they immigrate together? Were they already married?

1920 US census. Here, Rose is listed as immigrating 1880, Martin in 1885:

1930 US census, Brooklyn. Martin, his wife Rose, his daughter Anna and husband Jerome Nash and their son Jerome:

Jerome (father), dies Feb 1933. From Brooklyn Times Union newspaper:

Jerome (son), WW2 draft card:

1940 US census, 7th Ave Brooklyn. 

Obituary for Jerome Nash (son):

Obituary for Anna (Annie) Nash Dempsey, Oct 21, 1976, NY Daily News:

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Moorfield part #2

So, trying to find relationship between the Dempseys of Moorfield and the Dempseys of Cloonreliagh.

Noticed that Anne Dempsey Reynolds of Moorfield goes to the US, and brings her nieces with her in 1921. See:

Her address? 139 Sullivan St! So, Anne goes to live near Martin O'Grady, who lived at 138 Sullivan St? They must be related?

Well, not quite. 1910 US census:

It is Martin who goes to Sullivan Street because his cousin Anne lives there! She emigrated early, 1890 or so! 

Is he a boarder, or a distant cousin? We think his mother's grandfather Brian and Anne's grandfather are siblings ... not sure what that means, distant but likely cousins enough!

Monday, September 13, 2021

more on the Moorfield Dempseys

Wendy Deriancho had mentioned she found more links between the Cloonreliagh and the Moorfield Dempseys, I meant to post what she had found.

Here, death of Thomas Dempsey of Coarsefield (sub-townland of Moorfield) age 21 in 1908, attended to by Michael Dempsey:

Is this the same Michael who is brother to Thomas/Bernard/etc, and lives in neighboring Foxboro?  If so, 'uncle' is a stretch, since Thomas's father Thomas is not a brother to Bernard/Thomas. Perhaps their father Brian had a brother Thomas? That is what we are trying to find out.

The same Michael?

This is our tree with this bit of conjecture. Thomas/Moorfield on the far right:

Related note:

Thomas's granddaughter Agnes emigrates in 1929:

Her father John Dempsey listed as her contact in Ireland, and she is going to her sister, Mrs A Reynolds, 139 Sullivan St, Brooklyn!  While Martin O'Grady has moved by then, how strange that he once lived next door!

Actually, 'sister' is crossed off, and 'aunt' written in. This corresponds to her two sisters who arrived earlier in 1921:

So, is Annie Reynolds their father John's sister? Daughter of his father Thomas?

Another aside, here's an Annie born in Coarsefield 1870:

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

The tale of two VWs ...

Martin's collections of photos:

Album #1

Album #2

Not sure who will have access to view these, but will try to re-post some of them here.

For now, this VW pic; late 1950s? Ocean Beach NJ; Martin, Katherine, & Henry:

Above van purchased from Dunwoodie dealership in Yonkers.

The second VW, Lower Salthill, Galway, 1970s:

Thomas, Dad, Terrence (when Terrence was done with the Sunday comics, he sometimes let other people read them!)

From Martin, this van was purchased from Madden's garage:

Willy Madden owned the garage when we were in Galway and he was a regular at The Cottage Bar

Monday, September 6, 2021


Grand-uncle Thomas's wife Mary Boylan had a sister Ellen who also emigrates to the US, and lives in Yonkers. She married Patrick Duffy, did she go by Ellie?

They have a son John, who marries Sharon O'Brien:

These are both in Saint Joseph's Cemetery in Yonkers.

John and Sharon would be Finola's cousins.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

another mystery photo!

 Mystery solved! See:

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

new pics: Thomas and Mariah 1930s

From Martin's collection:

Did a snip of the higher scan (test #2):

A better scan, not sure how this will translate when uploaded to blog though (test!):

I think this is the first pic of great-grandfather Thomas!

Mary is born 1928 in NY. Thomas returns home with his wife and child to take care of his parents. If Mary is 8 in picture, this is 1936 or so? Great grandfather Thomas dies 1939.

Back: "This is Harry me and little Mary and Mother Father". So the pic was from Thomas's collection somehow:

What doesn't make sense ... will have to find the pic ... is a shot of Mary older (20s?) with what we think is Mariah. But, if this is 1936, Mariah dies in 1940. Mary would only be 12. Hmmm ... another mystery!