Tuesday, September 7, 2021

The tale of two VWs ...

Martin's collections of photos:

Album #1

Album #2

Not sure who will have access to view these, but will try to re-post some of them here.

For now, this VW pic; late 1950s? Ocean Beach NJ; Martin, Katherine, & Henry:

Above van purchased from Dunwoodie dealership in Yonkers.

The second VW, Lower Salthill, Galway, 1970s:

Thomas, Dad, Terrence (when Terrence was done with the Sunday comics, he sometimes let other people read them!)

From Martin, this van was purchased from Madden's garage:

Willy Madden owned the garage when we were in Galway and he was a regular at The Cottage Bar


1 comment:

  1. So the top photo is of the family 1963 VW - it had a sunroof and notice how the windows on the side would open to let hot air in in the summer:). I learned to drive a stick on this and I had to stand up to depress the clutch and turning the steering wheel also took all the strength I had. It replaced what I recall was a 1956 Ford station wagon. We could fit 13 people in it including Grandpa O'Grady who rode shotgun with one of the older kids squished in the middle on the front bench. The VW in the second photo is a 1970.
