Wednesday, September 1, 2021

new pics: Thomas and Mariah 1930s

From Martin's collection:

Did a snip of the higher scan (test #2):

A better scan, not sure how this will translate when uploaded to blog though (test!):

I think this is the first pic of great-grandfather Thomas!

Mary is born 1928 in NY. Thomas returns home with his wife and child to take care of his parents. If Mary is 8 in picture, this is 1936 or so? Great grandfather Thomas dies 1939.

Back: "This is Harry me and little Mary and Mother Father". So the pic was from Thomas's collection somehow:

What doesn't make sense ... will have to find the pic ... is a shot of Mary older (20s?) with what we think is Mariah. But, if this is 1936, Mariah dies in 1940. Mary would only be 12. Hmmm ... another mystery!

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