Friday, April 23, 2021

gems found by Sean McNeil

More to the story of Sean McNeil (connection through, but for now wanted to share some of the things he found and shared.

This one from 1864 shows James, Mary and Martin Grady from Derreentige and Henry Grady (Foxboro). More unfortunate circumstances (assault), but they are all together!

This one from 1869 has Henry Grady, James Grady and Thomas Dempsey (Bernard's brother) all caught out "walking" their unlicensed dogs on the same day. 

From 1870 petty court session records. Henry Grady, James Grady (Keyfield), Martin Grady and Mary Grady - described as a widow so possibly this is their mother. The circumstances are unfortunate (assault and threatening), but this places them all together in May 1869:

1 comment:

  1. great find from Sean!

    My mother told us the O'Grdady's were fighting people, and sometimes amongst themselves!
