Thursday, April 29, 2021

John Gready of Derreentighe, 1903 ... the correct one!

This is the right one! 
We have a picture of John, at his death. I've hesitated posting it before, since it is ... could you call it spectral? Apparently his mother had it taken. It was not uncommon at this time to take a death picture, especially since photography was new, and if you never had a picture taken in life, at least you would take one at death. Anyway, I posted the pic at the end ... take this as I warning!

I  jumped the gun on finding the Leeds accident from 1900 (removed those articles), since I had looked for a long time for such evidence. But, John is alive and well in the 1901 census, so unlikely that it is him who died in 1900. That's why further research was needed and was able to find John above.

Also, the gravestone has a very specific date: July 4, 1903. Unlikely his mother confused that with Jan 12, 1900.

John Gready of Derreentighe, RIP:

The Durham Mining Museum has info on the Rotherham Main Colliery:

The site includes a list of those killed (66 at least!), including J Grady:

Rotherham Main Colliery was owned by John Brown and Co, shipbuilders, known for such ships as the HMS Hood and RMS Lusitania.


  1. A sad part of our family history.
    This post is in memory of John. His legacy is the house standing in Creggameen his hard work built it.

    From your brothers grand daughter I want to say....Thankyou.

    Thomas this is a fitting memorial, John would be proud.

  2. It’s unbelievably sad to read these details. How very helpful to finally have in front of the reader these articles, and to imagine what it must have been like for our great grandparents to loose their eldest son so tragically. Thanks brother Thomas for your time and effort in researching this, and to put it up for us all to learn more.
