Friday, April 9, 2021

O'Grady-Regan US census

NY State Census 1915. Family is at 138 Sullivan St:

US Census 1920. Family is at 5305 Seventh Ave. Year of immigration for Martin is listed as 1907, 1906 for Catherine:

NY State Census in 1925. The family is living at 82 Rossiter Ave, one of the homes Martin built (picture of it posted earlier). Katherine's age is wrong. Last column is "Date naturalized", which is 1912.  Third from right column is "Years in the US", which both list as 18. 

1930 US Census, still at 82 Rossiter Ave:

1940 Census, now at 35 Eastview Ave:

Notes: John has married and moved. Column 14 is Education: 8th grade for Martin and Catherine? (seems unlikely); 2-H for Henry -- 2 years High School? 4-C for Katherine -- 4 years College?

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