Sunday, April 11, 2021

Michael Grady and Mary Ganly

So, we know there were two Michael Gradys in Cloonreliagh/Derreentighe late 1840s, early 1850s. One of them was Thomas's father. 

I've written to Sean McNeil, contact via, as he has the OTHER Michael in his family tree. That is the Michael who is married to Catherine Waldron. 

That would mean OUR Michael is married to Mary Ganly. What is the relationship between the two Michaels?

1846, "Pat of Michl Grady and Mary Ganly. sps Mary Flynn C.Reliagh"

Patrick marries, Dec 15, 1869: 

Of course, if the other Michael has a son Patrick, we have no way to tell them apart!

Nov 10, 1848. "Martin of Michl Grady & Mary (Maria?) Ganley. Sps Wm Fitzmorris. Derentighe"

And, of course, our Thomas:
Baptised Oct 25, 1852. "Thomas of Michael & Mary Grady. Sps Martin Commons & Maria ???, C.reliagh".

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